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Alice Kunek

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Professional basketball player

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About me

  • Basketball Australia
  • Sport
  • Basketball
  • International Basketball
  • 2018 Commonwealth Games
  • Commonwealth Games
  • Sporting Events

Alice Kunek is a professional basketball player who began her WNBL career at the AIS alongside fellow up and coming players.

Spending three seasons at the AIS, Kunek then transitioned to the Bulleen Boomers, where she played for another three seasons. In her first season with the Boomers, she helped them take home their inaugural WNBL Championship.

Alice has represented Australia at the 2018 Commonwealth games which saw her win a Gold medal, and has continued to represent Australia in 5x5 and 3x3. Alice is a current member of the Australian Opals where she just recently won a Bronze medal at the Asia Cup and was a member of the tournament's All Star 5 team. 

Alice is a passionate advocate for healthy living & mental health advocate. She is also an ambassador for Lifechanger foundation and is studying a Masters of International Business and Economics.

Alice has played over 200 games in the WNBL, as well as played overseas on France and Poland, we're her team just won the Polish league and competes in the Women's Euroleague. She was also named the finals series MVP, and league All star team. 

Alice is currently playing in the women's Euroleague with Sopron Basket.she is 

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