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Louise Burrows

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About me

  • Wallaroos
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • International Union

Louise ‘Cookie’ Burrows started playing rugby in 1995 when she was in year 12 as a 17-year-old for Canberra Royals and the same year also represented the ACT. Burrows started her rugby career as a loosehead prop and after two seasons transitioned into the hooker role making a name for herself in that position with the ability to hit anywhere in the lineout. She is regularly seen playing anywhere across the front-row and made her first Australian squad in 1998, gaining her test debut for the Wallaroos in 2001 against England in Sydney. Burrows has played in four World Cups, one of only two females to do so in Australia playing in the 2002 and 2006 World Cups before starting a family, eventually also playing in the 2014 and 2017 tournaments.

She is married to Mick and has two children, Fletcher (16) Georgie (14).  A career highlight was be her first test match she played after having her children in 2014 where her husband, mum and children were all in New Zealand to watch. Off-field, Burrows is a primary school PE teacher at Canberra Girls Grammar school and loves being a role model to the students she teaches. During this Super W Season ‘Cookie’ will turn 41, the oldest member of the team and she is out to prove that age is just a number. She is extremely committed and takes great pride in the Brumbies jersey coming up to 150 games for the Brumbies throughout her career having been part of the inaugural women’s team back in 1996.

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