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Ben Mowen

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Former Rugby Union Player

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About me

  • ACT Brumbies
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • Super Rugby

Ben Mowen is a retired rugby union player who, after debuting at age 22, went on to captain his club and country at the highest level. Recognised at a young age, Mowen was a gifted leader who played and captained state Queensland’s under 19s side in various competitions. 

Mowen was named captain in the Australian side to play in the 2005 Under 21 Rugby World Championship in which the team finished runner-up. It was the following year that he made his Super Rugby debut with the Queensland Reds, playing only seven non-competitive games that season. 

Looking for greater opportunities, the number-eight then moved to the New South Wales Waratahs in 2007 before a final move to the ACT Brumbies where he would see out his playing days. In his first season at the Brumbies, Mowen was named captain and later described by former Wallaby, Stephan Larkham as “one of the best leaders he has ever encountered.”

In 2013, Mowen made his international debut for Australia against the British and Irish Lions, holding his place in the team and becoming captain of the Wallabies a short time after.

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