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Matt Cooper

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Retired NRL Player

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About me

  • St George Illawarra Dragons
  • Sport
  • Rugby League
  • NRL

Matt Cooper is a former NRL footballer starting his career in 2000, and retiring 10 years later in 2010. A New South Wales State of Origin and Australian international representative centre, he played his entire NRL career for the St George Illawarra Dragons, with whom he won the 2010 NRL grand final.

He began playing rugby league at the age of six for his local junior side, while also enjoying athletics and being actively involved with his local surf club.

Matt has also opened up about a crippling addiction he had to painkillers in 2016. After retiring from rugby due to a serious injury, Matt began what turned into a year long addiction which resulted in him fearing for his own life. Admitting himself into the South Coast Private Hospital, he went through a month of treatment and has since ridden himself of the addiction.

He went public with the story shortly after in aim to help educate others about the seriousness of the issue. “I am here telling my story and I hope someone, some kid, who is taking that drug takes it easy or comes clean or even just talks about it.”


- World Club Challenge Winner
- NRL Premiership Winner (2010)
- Dragons Highest Try Scorer


Brand + Social Influencer / Community Engagement / Dancing With The Stars / Celebrity Apprentice Australia

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