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Jamie Dwyer

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Olympic Field Hockey

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About me

  • Kookaburras
  • Sport
  • Field Hockey
  • International Field Hockey
  • Olympics
  • Sporting Events

Jamie Dwyer is an iconic Australian field hockey player having won an Olympic gold, Commonwealth gold and a World Cup gold. 

Beginning to play hockey when he was only 4 years old, his determination and hard work allowed him to achieve his success of joining the Australian hockey team going onto play over 300 games and scoring over 200 goals in his career. 

In his early days Dwyer played for the Queensland Blades in the Australian Hockey League before making his Australian debut in the junior national team in 1995. He made his senior side national team debut in 2001. He represented Australia at the 2004 Olympics where he won a gold medal as well as the 2008 and 2012 Olympics where he took home bronze. He won gold at both the 2006 and 2010 Commonwealth games. At the 2002 and 2006 Hockey World Cup he won silver and took away the gold at the 2010 Hockey World Cup. He has been named Australia’s best hockey player 5 times, played over 300 games for Australia and scored over 200 international goals for his country. He is also a keen Brisbane Lions fan. 


Jamie Dwyer career highlights

  • Australian men’s hockey Olympic team 2004, 2008, 2012, 2016

  • FIH World Hockey Player of the Year five times: 2004, 2007, 2009, 2010, and 2011

  • World Cup gold medal - 2010

  • Champions Trophy gold medals - 2005, 2008 

  • Commonwealth Games gold medal -  2006 

  • International federation FIH Young Player of the Year - 2002

  • Commonwealth Games gold medal - 2002 

Jamie Dwyer Personal Interests 

In 2010, Dwyer started his own hockey brand called JDH. After having played hockey for so many years he decided to venture into the business of actually designing his own brand of hockey sticks putting to use his vast experience in the game.

He is a father to 3 children, supporting their own sporting endeavours as they grow up.

Jamie Dwyer Coaching

Since retiring from playing hockey professionally, Dwyer now coaches young hockey players and has held several clinics.

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