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Alan Johnson

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Politician and broadcaster

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Alan Johnson is definitely one of our most popular and respected MPs and as well as being an award-winning author and broadcaster, is a lifelong fan of Queens Park Rangers. As Members of Parliament go, he also has a surprisingly good taste in and obscure knowledge of music.

He has regularly appeared on Question Time (BBC1) and This Week (BBC1) while showing a more humorous side with guest presenter stints on Have I Got News For You (BBC1), alongside documentaries like Alan Johnson: The Post Office and Me (BBC4) and indulging his passion in The Nation’s Favourite Beatles Number 1 (ITV1).

Alan’s work in government includes positions as Home Secretary, Education Secretary and Health Secretary, and as MP for Kingston upon Hull West and Hessle he will happily tackle matters of electoral reform, trade unionists, fairness at work and Jeremy Corbyn.

Alan says his greatest achievement is the successful campaign for the British Fishermen's Association which helped secure their claim for compensation, 25 years after distant water trawlermen had their industry destroyed by the agreement that the government reached with Iceland to end the so-called Cod Wars.

Alan became the youngest General Secretary in the history of the Union of Communication Workers when he was elected to the post in January 1992 and went on to be elected as a Labour MP in 1997. Twenty years later he still manages to find the time to play tennis and football – did we mention he’s a huge (and long-suffering) fan of QPR?

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