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Joel Swift

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About me

  • Olympics
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Water Sports
  • Water Polo

Joel Swift, 33 from East Fremantle, is an elite athlete in the sport of Water Polo. He currently plays for the Fremantle Mariners after returning to Australia from his professional career in Europe. After narrowly missing the 2012 London Olympic team Joel moved to Hungary to seek greater opportunity playing in the most prestigious league against the best competition. His application and dedication to the sport earned him a starting position in the Australian national water polo team competing at the Rio Olympic games. Joel was also studying his Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting/Finance) whilst competing at the highest level. Joel's professional and national team experience has seen him travel the world and gain a vast knowledge of high level sport and culture globally and nationally. Joel was 1 of 10 indigenous athletes to compete at the Rio Olympics for Australia. Joel has since worked in multiple roles across the Banking and FinTech sectors.


Joel has been in the Australian National Water Polo team since 2009. He has found himself speaking for some time as a guest speaker at schools, local community events and large scale corporate events where he gives insight in growing up balancing schooling/sport and the obstacles he has faced throughout his career to get to where he is today. Joel has gained valuable experience through his sporting career and indigenous background of which are reflected in the way he lives his life. As a valued member of the Australian Water Polo team he has had great experiences and stories to share.


Rio Olympics (2016)
World University Games Gold (2009)
FINA World Championships (2013 & 2015)

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