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Robert Neill

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Retired AFL Football Player

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About me

  • Sydney Swans
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Robert Neill is a former Australian rules footballer who played with Sydney and St Kilda in the Australian Football League (AFL) during the 1990s.

Originally from the ACT, Neill appeared sporadically for Sydney before cementing his spot in the team for the 1994 season when he managed 15 games. He however failed to appear in a single game for the seniors the following year and crossed to St Kilda.

Neill played in St Kilda’s 1996 AFL Ansett Australia Cup winning side - the club's first AFL Cup win.

He was a regular in the 1996 season and despite only playing the opening two games of 1997, he was selected on the bench for the 1997 AFL Grand Final. After being delisted he went to Norwood where he was used as a forward and topped their goal-kicking five times.



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