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Sacha McDonald

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About me

  • Melbourne Vixens
  • Sport
  • Netball
  • Suncorp Super Netball
  • Victorian Fury
  • Deakin University Australian Netball League

Sacha McDonald is a professional netball player for the Melbourne Vixens squad in the Suncorp Super Netball league. The talented 19-year-old has enjoyed the successes of winning throughout her journey to the top level, claiming a premiership and Grand Final MVP at the National Netball Championships with the Victorian U/19 side. 

A natural leader on the court, Sacha was captain during the 2019 National Championships and was part of the leadership group for the premiership-winning Victorian Fury in the Deakin University Australian Netball League. 

Originating from rural Victoria, Sacha and her two brothers, Tom and Oscar McDonald, have progressed from country sport to forge sporting careers. Tom and Oscar currently play with the AFL club, Melbourne Demons.

With an abundance of success and leadership skills to date, McDonald is destined for a long and prosperous career playing elite netball.

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