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Lleyton Hewitt

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Australian Tennis Legend

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About me

  • Tennis
  • Sport

Lleyton is without a doubt one of Australia’s greatest ever tennis players. His name is synonymous with attributes of determination and commitment, previously winning the 2001 U.S. Open singles title and conquering Wimbledon in 2002, becoming the youngest player in men’s singles history to earn the ATP number one ranking. He also led his country to famous Davis Cup victories in 1999 and 2003.

As the curtain closed on his tremendous tennis career, Lleyton has pursued various opportunities off the court, as evidenced in his position as Australia’s Davis Cup Captain.

Lleyton regularly appears as a guest commentator for Channel 9 during live coverage of the Australian summer of tennis.

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South Australia, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania

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