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Col Fraser

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Ex NRL Player, MC, Keynote

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About me

  • St George Illawarra Dragons
  • Sport
  • Rugby League
  • NRL

Col “Hollywood” Fraser is a CEO, speaker & facilitator of ideas in sport, clubs & entertainment. He writes a Sports Bar blog and is a Pescatarian.

Colin Fraser started as an 18 year old professional rugby league player, representing NSW under 18’s and first grade with the St George Dragons then Sydney City Roosters, the Central Coast and Western Australia in Rugby League and Touch Football competing in Australia and overseas against international teams from France and New Zealand. 

He founded the i4 Consulting Group, a worldwide network of sports marketing and management consultants offering global expertise to local markets that designed successful post sales & marketing campaigns for the Sydney, Athens and Beijing Olympics. His private sports marketing company also developed the intellectual property and raised the initial capital for the launch of e-sportsclub worldwide limited prior to the Sydney 2000 Olympics which at the time was the first registered online sports club in the world. He is still a board member of a number of companies and not for profit organisations.

He combines his speaking engagements with heading up Fiji NSW Rugby League and their first team in the NSWRL - the Kaiviti Silktails. He is a husband, father of two St George supporter sons, a BBQ Raconteur, Rotarian and a Pescatarian.

He is currently on the "Born to be Wild - World Tour" speaking about consumer product marketing for baby boomers.

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