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Rod Butterss

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Former St Kilda President

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About me

  • St Kilda Saints
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL
  • Sports Business
  • Business

Rod was born in the Melbourne and was one of ten children. A serial entrepreneur by DNA. Rod started his business career at age seven, selling newspapers, in Bayside Melbourne and he hasn’t stopped selling since.

Rod was the entrepreneur behind a myriad of successful start-ups including Icon, Ambit, Phoenix and Ajilon all 4 companies achieved national market leadership.

Rod was President of the St Kilda F.C. (AFL) for a period of eight years from 2000 to 2007. He led the team that turned the club around from a chronic underperformer on and off-field to a position of financial strength and a regular finals contender.

Rod firmly believes the various preliminary and grand final losses between 2004 and 2010 were tragedies of pure Shakespearean proportions, there can be no other explanation.  

Whilst Rod achieved significant success in business, and the business of football there was dark side. It was this dark side led Rod to face his mental health demons head on and go on forge out a whole new way of living that has taken him on a challenging journey of wellness and self discovery.          

These days Rod is a co-founder of the Amadeus Group, an executive search and disruptive management consulting business. His passion is business and personal transformation he works with business, community leaders and sufferers promoting entrepreneurship, wellness and recovery.

A few little known facts, Rod is a published poet, he’s had two holes in one, loves his tennis and has an unplayable first serve (cos it never goes in) and is currently writing an autobiography about his very own story of sex drugs and rock n roll.  

Listen to Rod Butterss on PickStar's Off-Field Podcast here: 

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