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Uros Culic

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Life imitates jiu jitsu

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About me

  • Sport
  • Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu
  • Martial Arts
  • Combat Sports

My name is Uros Culic and I am black belt athlete and competitor in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, who lives and breathes this amazing martial art.

I train twice a day, six times per week, and I teach classes every one of those days. In between, I study Jiu-Jitsu techniques, watch matches and write about it so that I can explain it to myself and understand them better. I choose to do so because I’ve learned that the more I give to it, the more it will give back.

Jiu-Jitsu is my life’s biggest passion and it has taught me lessons that I would never have dreamt about when I began. It taught me discipline, dedication, playfulness, patience, the importance of being systematic, but to let go as well, to do things even when it’s hard to do them, how to communicate with people to provoke the best in them and how to be direct when it’s necessary, to strive for excellence, but not to be a prisoner of perfection, it taught me to be humble, but not to lose the sense of pride. This sport, game, or art (because it is all of those three things) built my character and continues to do so. All the lessons I’ve learned on the mats are applicable to life itself and that is why I say that “Life imitates Jiu-Jitsu”.

Jiu-Jitsu did not only give me lessons, but it gave me so many great opportunities. I travelled the world because of it and it allowed me to live in this great country for the last four and a half years and truly experience the jiu-jitsu lifestyle, something that was just a distant dream a few years ago in my home country of Serbia.

My accolades as a competitor (but just for now, because I’m planning on winning much more):

  • IBJJF Asian Open Championship 2019 (GI) - gold in my weight & gold in open weight
  • ADCC Asia Pacific Grand Slam 2019 (NO GI) - gold in my weight & gold in open weight
  • AFBJJ Australian national championship 2019 (GI) - gold in my weight & gold in open weight
  • AFBJJ Australian national championship 2019 (NO GI) - gold in my weight & gold in open weight
  • AFBJJ Queensland state championship 2020 (NO GI) - gold in my weight & gold in open weight

Previously mentioned gold medals that I’ve won are in the most prominent Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu federations in the world and Australia. Besides them I’ve won more than 50 medals on other tournaments of international and local level, most of them are gold ones. I was a part of the Serbian grappling national team for years before I moved to Australia and I was honoured as Serbia’s deserving athlete.

Besides jiu jitsu, I love understanding the world around me, especially humans and their behaviour. That is why I love reading about psychology, neuroscience and sometimes about philosophy. I am a bachelor of Management (department of sports) and I am certified wrestling coach. For the last year or so I’ve been educating myself on business and it opened up new ideas of me wanting to expand myself in different directions. To start making more influence on other people by sharing my jiu-jitsu journey and lessons I’ve learnt and as well relate to theirs, because as I mentioned earlier “Life imitates Jiu Jitsu”.

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania