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Budge Pountney

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Former Rugby Union Player

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  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • Coach
  • Professional

Anthony Charles 'Budge' Pountney is a rugby union coach and retired player. A flanker, he played in the Northampton Saints side that won the 1999–2000 Heineken Cup. 

One of the most committed and forthright players to have pulled on the Black, Green and Gold, Budge Pountney joined the Saints as an 18-year-old, making his first-team debut against Coventry in 1994/95 for what would be the first of 215 appearances.

Despite the Club’s relegation in the 1995/96 season, Pountney was at the forefront for a brilliant era for Saints immediately afterwards.

Under the stewardship of Sir Ian McGeechan, the Demolition Tour of Division Two proved to be the springboard for a rise up the Premiership which culminated in the legendary Heineken Cup win over Munster.

The Heineken Cup was a reward for a stunning season that took the Saints to the Tetley’s Bitter Cup final and to the brink of the Premiership title, with the campaign only faltering in the final few weeks as the heavy workload took its toll.

As well as skippering Scotland during his time at Frankin’s Gardens, Pountney also took the first-team reins in the autumn of 2004 alongside Paul Grayson to save the side from relegation.

Pountney was inducted into Northampton Saints Hall of fame in 2018. 

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