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Gavin Crosisca

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AFL - Collingwood great

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About me

  • Collingwood Magpies
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Gavin Crosisca appeared to have it all – a beautiful family, wife, three healthy children and he was a successful AFL Premiership player for Collingwood Football Club. Gavin was touted as one of the next generation of AFL Coaches on his retirement. Despite all of this, Gavin was battling with a silent, life threatening disease called addiction.

After 28 years suffering in active addiction, with the help of his wife Nicole, Gavin finally found a way to recover and hopes that through his sporting profile and continuing professional training that the barriers stopping people asking for help can be broken down.

Gavin is has been a director at Sober Living Housing since its enception. Gavin enjoys mentoring our clients and empowering family members to understand the impact of addiction and to help individuals struggling with addiction and the families that love them find the solution in recovery.

Gavin keeps up his work as a USA Board Certified Family Interventionist at Alcohol and Drug Help assisting families who's loved one is in denial about their addiction and help coach families to get loved ones to enter treatment. Gavin has also completed equivalent of a Graduate Certificate in Alcohol and other Drugs and has a certificate 4 in Training and Assessment  

Gavin has been passionate about educating the community by sharing his lived experience of being addicted to alcohol, drugs and gambling through out his sporting career and the steps he has taken to live in recovery.

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Health & Wellbeing