Video Shout-Out from Luke Webb

Australia's #1 RBCI Athlete

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About me

  • Extreme Sports
  • Sport
  • Ice hockey
  • Red Bull Crashed Ice
  • Ice Cross Downhill

I am Australia's Number 1 Red Bull Crashed Ice athlete! Competing against skaters from around the world, I skate down custom built ice tracks (think bmx track, down a hill, made of ice) at speeds up to 80km/hr with 4 racers at a time. Fastest skaters to the end win!

Ice Cross downhill is a winter sport taking the world by storm. 4 skaters compete, side by side, down purpose-built Ice Cross tracks. The tracks features drops, turns, jumps, bumps and have the unique ability to be located in the middle of major cities or on ski slopes. The thrill is not only for the athletes, as spectators are positioned close to the action, lining boards of the track as athletes fly past at speeds of up to 80km/hr. The top two racers advance from each round until the electric final event where athletes put it all on the line to be the first one to cross the finish line.

A quick list of my achievements:
  • ·      1st Australian to skate on an Ice Cross track
  • ·      1st Australian to compete in a Riders Cup
  • ·      1st Australian to win a heat at a Riders Cup
  • ·      1st Australian to make a final at a Riders Cup
  • ·      1st Australian to qualify in a Red Bull Event
  • ·      1st Australian to race in a Red Bull Event
  • ·      1st Australian to rank in the world top 100

With plenty more to come as I compete in my 4th season this year!

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