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Ray Good

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Mental Fitness Expert

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

Is your team match fit for work? How are you helping them make the transition back into the workplace mindfully? What tools do they have to manage stress, be more productive, regain balance, and live a happier life? So many questions, one exceptionally good solution...Ray Good.  

Mindset & Peak Performance Mindfulness expert, Ray Good, will show your team simple and effective ways to improve mental health, performance, and profit, as well as provide them with a competitive advantage to succeed in whatever they do.  

Backed by a combination of modern neuroscience, positive psychology, and behaviour change science, as well as personal learnings from over 30 years in business, Ray will change everyone’s game for good in a matter of minutes. 

Whether it's simple micro-practices to help you feel calm fast and regulate emotions, tips to improve focus and attention, techniques to help you reclaim sleep, or ways to save a day every week in productivity, his education is practical, science-based, and easy to follow. your team will walk away with invaluable tools for work and life. 

Many of Australia's biggest organisations have relied on Ray’s expertise, including the Victorian Government,  Tourism Australia, Torrens University,  Tennis Australia, RACV, Mercy Health, Macquarie bank, and Nova Entertainment to name a few. 

Ray Good is great for business. Just wait until you see what he can do for yours.

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Tasmania, Western Australia

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.