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Nigel Collin

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Corporate speaker & author

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About me

  • Entrepreneur
  • Business
  • Public Speaker
  • Professional
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Author
  • Entertainment

Nigel Collin is a leadership expert who helps organisations facilitate and individuals embrace change. He draws on years of research into what makes businesses and organisations successful to help his audiences plan and take small steps in an effort to achieve big goals.

In 2013, armed with a video camera, Nigel set off on an initiative to travel throughout Australia, solo on his motorbike, to discover ingenious Australians and share their stories. Through ‘Ingenious Oz Project’, his quest was to inspire the ideas of a Nation and as an ambassador of Start-up Australia, he has interviewed hundreds of Australia’s top entrepreneurs and business leaders. These initiatives and the unique research they offered led Nigel to establish ‘Game of Inches Co’. An organisation committed to helping businesses grow through a tested and pragmatic process of small changes leading to big results.

He has advised C-Suite executives, Ministers of Parliament and entrepreneurs in both public and private sectors. As an international speaker, he has presented to organisations in myriad industries including IT, Franchise, Events, Marketing, Finance, Pharmaceuticals, Government and Telecommunications. He has spoken throughout the world including the US, Canada, UK, Europe, Asia, Australia and New Zealand.

He is an alumni of the Disney Institute, a Ted-Xer, and author of three books. His latest being ‘Game of Inches; why small changes win big results’. He is regularly asked to comment to a range of media including TV, radio and print and is a regular contributor to Inside Small Business and Micenet publications. Having spent over 20 years in business events (both on and off the stage) he understands the importance of not just being engaging, but delivering practical and lasting outcomes.

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