Our Stars
Shane Jacobson

Create an experience with Shane Jacobson

Actor, presenter & entertainer

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional
  • Radio Host
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Actor

Shane Jacobson is one of Australia’s most loved, award-winning actors, presenters and entertainers, and has worked with some of the biggest names in radio, film, stage and television for more than 25 years.

Best known for his work in film, television and theatre, he’s also a song and dance man, author, screen writer, creative director, producer, executive producer, motorsport enthusiast, father of four and an ambassador for many worthy organisations and charities.

As a speaker he delivers highly entertaining and engaging keynote speeches and after dinner talks about his unique life. His keynote centres around his best-selling book ‘A Long Road to Success’ and is packed full of funny and memorable stories from his extraordinary life.

As an MC Shane is witty and professional. He is one of the most in demand celebrity MC’s in Australia today having hosted hundreds of events, conferences and awards shows. With his diverse background, he brings a rare depth of experience to every engagement. Many of Shane’s clients have him back every year!

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