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Cynthia Morton

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Emotional Fitness Recovery

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

For the past two decades Cynthia’s nationally award winning Emotional Fitness techniques have earned the following recognition. A Pride of Australia Medal , An Australian of The Year Award, An Award of Distinction for Services to Humanity, The Prime Ministers Award for outstanding contribution in drug and alcohol endeavours. 

She is not only a successful published Australian author of six books she also works nationally one on one with private clients as well as offering Emotional Fitness workshops, Body Love Classes and keynote addresses. Cynthia has also been a regular guest on Channel 9’s new series Destination Happiness and back in the year 2000 in the early days of her career, she was a panellist on a midday TV show called Beauty and The Beast along with Ita Buttrose and Lisa Wilkinson sharing her Emotional Fitness tips or Australian viewers.

Testimonials on her work from media personalities include Deborah Hutton, Wayne Carey and Robin Bailey. Leading academics Professor John B. Saunders and Dr. Beres Wenck, have been supporting her work for over two decades.

Cynthia has successfully run Body Love Classes sponsored by Communify Queensland and Lululemon and her workshops with the Royal Brisbane Hospital Alcohol and Detox Unit, the Army, Air Force and Navy at the Australian Defence Force Soldier Recovery Centre and her role as an Ambassador for Relationships Australia were highly spoken of!

Cynthia is often invited to be a panellist and social commentator on television and radio because of her extensive experience in the health and wellbeing sector.

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Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, South Australia, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, Victoria

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