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Mitch and Mark

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Location Aust & The Block

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About me

  • Reality Star
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Fashion Designer
  • Art & Design
  • Interior Designer
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional

TV Co-Hosts, Reality TV Stars, Interior Designers, Entrepreneurs, Brand Ambassadors, Brand Partnerships, Inspirational Keynote Speakers, Culinary Cooks and more.

MITCH and MARK - the duo that is fast becoming Australia’s stand-out couple associated with style, luxury and a joy of life!  They have just been announced as the new Co-Hosts of 'Location, Location, Location' which will hit screens mid year on Channel 10.

For many, they first became the front and centre of people’s lives by appearing on The Block 2019. With the audience quickly connecting with MITCH and MARK, their innovation, strong relationship and zest for life, they remained ahead of their targets and delivered amazing design with well-planned living spaces - all while treating each other with respect and enjoying the journey.

They delivered the most innovative changes ever in The Block's history by taking on tasks never previously seen before, creating unique and beautiful spaces. The audiences were not just wowed by Mitch and Mark’s room reveals but also their fashion choices - Mitch in his bold and flamboyant style and Mark became known for his classic sophisticated look.

As experienced renovators and property flippers, what started as a necessity to ‘get ahead’ in life quickly turned into a passion for property, design and making spaces glamorous.

Since 2005 Mitch and Mark have renovated over 20 properties, ranging from cosmetic changes to complete rip-outs and rebuilds. Their experience ranges from small apartments to delivering the most viewed house on the biggest Block in 2019. Their background in design means they know how to work creatively with products, executing the look and feel of high-end design on an affordable budget. Mitch created a haven of mid-century design and endless possibilities, working with supporters and suppliers, and reinvigorating the social buzz for brands.

Mitch and Mark’s television career started when they first appeared on Aussie Property Flippers (Channel 7), and was cemented on The Block 2019 (Channel 9). They have experience in front of the camera, working with media, managing interviews and public speaking. They are confident and engaging with any audience and promise to entertain and inform.

Mitch - With a background in marketing and communications, ‘Mitch’ always looks for, finds, and shares the joy in life. His enthusiasm, flair and creativity make him an innovator in the marketing industry and 18 years ago he turned his focus to property and design. Always keen to ‘get ahead’ ‘Mitch’ saw property improvement as an opportunity and tapped into Australia’s desire for high-end, quality design that is affordable. ‘Mitch’, a qualified interior decorator, brings fun, high energy, and a large dose of glamour to everything he does, inspiring those around him.

Mark - Having many years of experience working with people, being a strategist in corporate life, and with an education in psychology, ‘Mark’ brings to renovations his planning, project management, and understanding of people. In 2005 he met ‘Mitch’, and not long after the pair decided that property improvement was the way to create a better future together. With no prior experience ‘Mark dove into the first project, and over time has created the process and model used to achieve 20 renovations in 18 years. His experience helps him understand the personal barriers and strengths that affect successful renovations.

What makes Mitch and Mark unique as designers is their belief that each home is unique, and they don’t take a cookie-cutter approach to interior design and décor. As a result, they are responsive to the needs of their clients and location, able to apply different styles to meet the brief, rather than rely on one ‘signature look’ that defines their style.

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