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Mike Reid

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Chef, TV Personality & Author

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About me

  • Chef

Mike’s passion for gastronomy began in his earliest years and after finishing University he was convinced that his vocation lay in the culinary arts, so he headed for the bright lights of London, where his illustrious career as a chef took shape.

Mike secured an apprenticeship at The In & Out club in St James and  began working in the kitchens of the Royal Air Force Club. Following this, he trained in two of London’s definitive fine dining restaurants. It was a period of his workplace education that was deeply formative, inculcating him with sound fundamentals and savvy intuition. These were Le Gavroche and Restaurant Gordon Ramsay, where his skills were honed under the tutelage of celebrated chefs Michel Roux Jr, Simone Zanoni and Mr Ramsay himself.

Mike joined the team at Gaucho restaurants, swiftly earning himself the role as  Executive Chef for the entire Gaucho Group. 

Mike left London to rattle the pans in Australia’s thriving restaurant scene, undertaking stages at a number of Melbourne’s most celebrated restaurants. These included working with Ben Shewry in Attica and Andrew McConnell’s at Cutler and Co, which offered him deep insight into Modern Australian cuisine and its many Asian influences.

Mike has worked and is great friends with a host of celebrated chefs in Australia including Shannon Bennett, George Calombaris, Curtis Stone and Peter Gilmore. He cooked alongside Heston Blumenthal at The Skinny Duck, a charity event for FareShare Australia which raised funds for disadvantaged children.

In the UK, Mike has opened up 3 restaurants under ‘M' and the last couple of years  has seen Mike share his time across both the UK and Australia where his family reside in Melbourne. 

Mike’s TV appearances continue to grow with him appeared on Channels 4 hugely popular Sunday Brunch live TV and the relaunch of the critically acclaimed BBC cooking show Ready Steady Cook. He also recently appeared on the BBC Great British Menu representing the London and South East region against the countries best chefs which was followed with appearances on MasterChef on BBC1 and Tricks of the Restaurant Trade on C4. TV in Australia includes appearances on Everyday Gourmet, Asia Unplated and My Market Kitchen with Ben O’Donohue.

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