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Nigel Benn

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Former Professional Boxer

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About me

  • Boxing
  • Sport
  • Martial Arts
  • Combat Sports

Nigel Gregory Benn, also nicknamed "The Dark Destroyer", is a British former professional boxer who competed from 1987 to 1996. He held world championships in two weight classes, including the WBO middleweight title in 1990, and the WBC super-middleweight title from 1992 to 1996. Regionally he held the Commonwealth middleweight title from 1988 to 1989. Benn tallied a total of 48 professional fights across his career, with 42 wins (35 KO's), five losses and a draw. 

Prior to boxing, Benn served in the British army for four-and-a-half years as an infantryman with the 1st Battalion, Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.

Following his legendary boxing career, Benn also became an internationally recognised DJ, playing at famous clubs and parties in cities including Ibiza, Los Angeles, London & Miami. This musical pathway led to Benn teaming up with fellow musician DJ Ride to form the duo 'The Untouchables'. With a strong shift in the dance scene near the end of the 90's, Benn finished up his musical career and made the call to put his club DJ days behind him.

The late 90's saw Benn at his lowest, with a mental battle against a sex addiction, as well as a period of drinking and drug use, beginning to destroy his marriage and take a crippling toll on his mental health. 

Following a failed suicide attempt, Benn saw the 2nd chance at life as a sign of fate, turning him to religion and beginning what has continued to be a long string of volunteering work and community involvement.

Benn now resides in Sydney with his beautiful family.

In his spare time you can find him devoting his time to Hillsong Church, teaching boxing to the disadvantaged or training at the local gym to maintain his physique.

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