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Jimmy Rees

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Australian Entertainer

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About me

  • Reality Star
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • TV Host

Jimmy was studying Media Arts and looking to a career on stage when the opportunity to audition for a new pre-school program on the ABC, Australia’s national broadcaster and the leading children’s network. The program was called Giggle & Hoot and the rest, as they say is history. Plucked from amongst 5000 other hopefuls, Jimmy Rees became Jimmy Giggle, the face of the ABC for a new generation. Since the debut of Giggle & Hoot on December 4th 2009, Jimmy’s character Jimmy Giggle and his best mate ‘Hoot’ have become household names around the nation.

2013 saw Jimmy light up the stage in the first Giggle & Hoot live show ‘Giggle & Hoot & Friends”. The show played to 51 sold out audiences around the country, including 34 shows at Hamer Hall in Melbourne and eight shows at The Sydney Opera House. The shows continue to delight, and in 2015 Jimmy Giggle and the team toured their first Christmas Show, Jimmy’s Christmas Party, promoting the album of the same name. Co-produced by Jimmy, the album featured duets with the likes of Tina Arena, Justine Clarke, David Campbell, Deborah Mailman and Fifi Box. 2018 sees Jimmy and the team go out on the road for the first time in two years with Live Nation.

In 2014 Jimmy starred alongside Magda Szubanksi and Kyle Sandilands in Bonnie Lythgoe’s production of Snow White Winter Family Musical at The State Theatre. As Muddles, Jimmy shone on stage with reviewers and audience alike recognizing his stand out performance. In 2016, Jimmy again worked with Bonnie Lythgoe Productions in Cinderella, starring alongside Gina Liano and Tim Maddren from Hi-Five at the State Theatre.

As Jimmy Giggle, he has travelled around Australia meeting his many fans, with more than 1000 people regularly attending each event. Jimmy loves meeting his fans and in 2016 became the face of the Victorian Premier’s Reading Challenge, which saw him travel to both regional and metropolitan Victoria schools, reading to children. The initiative saw an exponential increase of thousands of entries year on year when Jimmy was announced as being involved. In 2017, Jimmy received the ultimate honour for any native Victorian when he was crowned the King of Moomba, and was the first Moomba Monarh to ever enter the Birdman Rally the day before the parade.

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