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Derek Lau

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Food Personality

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Derek Lau captured the hearts of viewers as the clear fan favourite in MasterChef Series 11,2019. Renowned for his exceptional dumplings and mouth-watering fried chicken, Derek's culinary prowess and knack for pushing boundaries made him a standout contestant. One of his memorable achievements was breaking the record for making doughnuts in record-breaking time, showcasing his remarkable speed and skill.

Born in Perth to parents of Hong Kong descent, Derek is the youngest of four siblings. He discovered his love for cooking at an early age, often joining his mother in the kitchen where she taught him the fundamentals of cooking. It was during these formative years that Derek's passion for sweets was ignited, setting the stage for his culinary journey.

While Derek pursued a double bachelor’s degree in economics and commerce and became a qualified Chartered Accountant and Investor Relations Analyst, his true creative escape lay in the world of food. Balancing numbers in his head, Derek's passion for culinary exploration allowed him to express his creativity and indulge his love for flavours.

Although Derek initially believed it would be his sweet creations that would set him apart, he quickly gained recognition for his outstanding savoury dishes. His delectable dumplings earned him the title of "undoubtedly the dumpling master" by George, while Matt praised his Korean Fried Chicken as "one of the three best I've ever had in Australia." Derek left a lasting impression on the judges, who hailed his chocolate creme Brulé as "one of the best they had tasted in years."

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