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Cameron Borgas

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About me

  • Cricket
  • Sport
  • South Australian Redbacks
  • Sheffield Shield
  • Adelaide Strikers
  • BBL
  • Sydney Thunder

Cameron Borgas has represented the Redback’s in over 100 matches after debuting at just 17 years of age, as well as representing Australia at an U19 level. He was the hero in the 2006 Big Bash Grand Final in Redback’s victory over the NSW Blues – where he was named man of the match. In 2012, Cameron became a freelance Twenty20 cricketer and has since played in tournaments in all around the world. He also has the unique record of having represented 3 countries, having played for Scotland and Netherlands as their overseas player in the English County one day competition and for Australia in the Hong Kong Sixes. He played for the Adelaide Strikers and for Sturt District Cricket Club. Cameron is currently the head coach of the Adelaide University Cricket Team.

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South Australia, New South Wales