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Izack Rodda

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Australian Rugby Union Player

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About me

  • Wallabies
  • Sport
  • Rugby Union
  • International Union
  • Queensland Reds
  • Super Rugby

Izack Rodda is an Australian professional rugby union player who plays for the Queensland Reds in the Super Rugby.

Izack has been a rugby superstar from young and had his first taste of national representation when he was selected for the Australian Schoolboys rugby team in 2014 and then the Australian U20s side at the Oceania Rugby U20s Championship in 2016. Here his brilliant performances aided the team’s historic defeat against New Zealand.

In 2017, he debuted for the Queensland Reds Super Rugby, where he quickly established himself as one of Queensland’s top up-and-coming rugby stars and won himself a spot in the Wallabies squad for the Rugby Championship.

His outstanding career progression and promising future makes him a highly motivational and engaging speaker, ambassador and guest star at your next event.

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