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Angus Glover

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Basketball Player

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  • Illawarra Hawks
  • Sport
  • Basketball
  • NBL

Glover, who is 6-foot-4, says he got started in the sport at just 9 months old when his parents gave him a small basketball. He quickly loved it and says he started playing in an Under-10 group when he was just 5 years old. He grew to become an excellent guard, playing for Australia's U18 and U19 national teams before making the World Select Team.

He also accepted a scholarship to attend St. Mary's College, a school in Northern California that's had a pipeline from Down Under; there were seven Aussies on this year's team that advanced to the NCAA tournament. 

Glover took a painful hit in 2015 when he tore the ACL in his right knee. He recovered well enough since then that he was chosen to compete on the World Select Team at the 2018's Nike Hoop Summit.

Then the 19-year-old Glover took another hit. During a World Select practice four days before the game, Glover drove down the lane, planted his left foot on the court and landed awkwardly. His left ACL was torn.

Now he plays professionally for the Sydney Kings in the nbl.

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