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Tim Taranto

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AFL Player

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About me

  • GWS Giants
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Taranto grew up in Melbourne and attended St Kevin’s College. His father lives in Texas, so throughout his childhood Taranto would regularly travel to the United States, and has been there over 15 times. An elite junior, Taranto starred for Sandringham in the TAC Cup before he was eventually taken with Pick 2 in the 2016 National Draft.

Taranto wasted little time making an impact at the Giants, as he debuted in Round 1, 2017, and earned a Rising Star nomination shortly after. A ball winner in the midfield, Taranto likes to win a contested ball and use his frame to his advantage. Racing to his 50th AFL game in 2019, Taranto had his best year yet as he took home the Giants Best and Fairest in just his third season of AFL. He was also one of the Giants best players in their Grand Final loss to Richmond. Injuries hampered Taranto’s 2020 season however he continued to impact and develop, while also stepping up as a leader to the next crop of Giants.

Taranto was traded to the Richmond Footaball Club on a seven-year deal at the end of the 2022 AFL season. 

Away from football, Taranto loves to travel, instilled in him from his childhood trips to America. He has several diplomas to his name, but most notably is currently studying a Bachelor of Business. He is a big fan of basketball and fashion, and sponsors a child through World Vision.

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