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Emilia Jackson

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MasterChef Maven & Columnist

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Emelia Jackson: The Culinary Maestro Elevating Brand Experiences

Unleash the Power of Authentic Culinary Expertise with Emelia Jackson, the Quintessential Food Influencer and Influencer Chef

A Culinary Journey Rooted in Passion

From her early days with beaters and cake tins in hand, Emelia Jackson has always been a baker at heart. Her culinary journey took a competitive turn when she emerged as a top contestant in MasterChef Australia Season 6, finishing in 3rd place. Her undeniable talent and charisma led her back to the MasterChef kitchen in 2020 for the "Back to Win" edition, where she was crowned the winner.

Academic and Professional Excellence

Emelia holds a Bachelor of Psychology & Management from Monash University. Her diverse background extends to marketing coordination, making her a multi-faceted talent in the food industry. She has worked alongside some of the biggest names in the culinary world, gaining invaluable insights and skills.

Published Author: A Guide to Baking Bliss

Emelia Jackson has also ventured into the world of publishing with her book, "First, Cream the Butter and Sugar." This ultimate guide is a treasure trove for cake lovers and home bakers alike. With over 150 recipes, the book serves as an essential baking companion, breaking down the complexities of baking into simple, manageable steps. Whether you're a beginner looking for the perfect choc chip cookie recipe or an expert aiming to master intricate desserts like opera cake or raspberry passionfruit tart, Emelia's book offers modern baking reassurance. As Alice Zaslavsky puts it, "There's no better hand to hold than Emelia's to lead you to baking bliss." This book further solidifies her position as a leading Food Influencer and Chef Influencer, making her an even more attractive choice for brand partnerships and ambassadorships in the culinary world

Bespoke Creations and Global Recognition

Emelia's culinary artistry shines through in her bespoke cakes and desserts, meticulously crafted with love and the finest ingredients. Her brand, Emelia Jackson Cake Designs, encapsulates her philosophy of spreading joy through butter and sugar.

A Platform for Partnerships and Ambassadorships

With a proven track record in food demonstrations globally, Emelia is now open for partnerships, events, and ambassadorships. Her ability to captivate audiences with her warmth and expertise makes her an ideal 'Food Ambassador' for brands looking to elevate their market presence.

She's also a columnist for Good Food AU which draws upon her expertise to engage it's audience of food lovers. 

Why Collaborate with Emelia?
  • Influencer Chef with Credibility: As a MasterChef winner, Emelia brings authenticity and skill to any culinary collaboration.
  • Engaged Global Audience: Her widespread recognition offers brands an international platform for exposure.
  • Expertise in Food and Beyond: Emelia’s background in psychology and marketing adds a unique layer to her brand, making her a versatile choice for diverse campaigns.

For brands aiming to blend authenticity with marketability, Emelia Jackson is your go-to Food Influencer. Her platform offers a unique blend of culinary skill, emotional connection, and marketing savvy, perfect for creating impactful social media campaigns and brand ambassadorships.

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