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Anthony Drmic

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NBL Basketball Player

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About me

  • Adelaide 36ers
  • Sport
  • Basketball
  • NBL

Anthony Drmic plays with the Adelaide 36ers in the NBL.

He started his basketball career at the Australian Institute of Sport before being recruited to play in the US for Boise State University. He was the schools all-time three-point record holder after his five years playing at college level (2011-2016). 

Returning home, he was signed to the Adelaide 36ers as a part of a two year deal (2016/17 season). He played 27 games for the club, leading the rookies in scoring and rebounding and received the NBL Rookie of the Year Award.

Anthony made his debut with Australia's national team, the Boomers, in 2018.

Anthony is also passionate about gaming and is a partnered Twitch streamer.

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