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Emma Doherty

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Online Fitness Coach

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About me

  • Business
  • Entrepreneur
  • Small Business
  • Sport
  • Fitness
  • Sports Business
  • Coach
  • Professional

Hi, it's Emma here! A dedicated and passionate Online Fitness Coach with a HUGE passion to empower other females to embark on their own fitness journey to achieve a body they feel proud of and a healthy mindset towards food and exercise, in the hope to inspire others to start living happier and healthier!

My own personal fitness journey has had many highs and lows but I’m genuinely grateful for the challenges and setbacks along the way as I have learned SO much about myself & it’s inspired me to learn and educate myself as much as I possibly could to overcome these struggles. I used to be known as the ‘fat’ friend and got bullied in school, I suffered in silence alone struggling with an eating disorder, I’ve gone through the uncomfortable stage of being ‘skinny’ and scared of food to gaining weight and ‘bulking’ to build muscle.

I have built my own platform 'EMPOWER', my online coaching company is genuinely my no1 life passion and I love nothing more than being able to guide females through their individual health + fitness journeys; helping them to dodge all the mistakes I made. You don’t need to restrict or do anything crazy, you don’t need to feel confused or alone! You CAN achieve a body you feel proud of whilst having a healthy/ happy mindset and you can eat your favourite foods every day! You need to start your fitness journey out of a place of love rather than hatred for your body and view it as a literal JOURNEY and an investment in your health. With over a thousand clients already going through their transformation both physically and mentally so now it’s time for yours!

Alongside running my own business, I love to inspire others through my social channels, particularly Instagram, which has resulted in building a loyal community of like minded individuals. I share my journey, fitness tips and tricks, recipes and lots more! 

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