Our Stars
Rowan Row

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UK Macro Influencer

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About me

  • Fashion
  • Entertainment
  • Fitness
  • Sport

My journey started as a professional athlete. So my fitness was already on the right track but when it came to fashion…. I had no clue what I was doing but I had a vision in my head that I could be the person who can do both fitness and fashion on a whole new level (I have always loved both). So I invested in a professional camera and tripod, and started to take street style pictures of myself in different looks to inspire my audience. I was extremely consistent and disciplined from the beginning and started to create so many different looks, everything from casual to formal. I like to describe my style as Simple but Significant.

My aim from the beginning was to inspire the world with my content creation. My audience seemed to be loving it and my followers increasing on a daily basis, so that gave me even more drive to keep going. 

Now my social platforms have reached millions of viewers and are focussed around, fashion, fitness, lifestyle and travel – all things I love and passionate about! 

Over the years I have accomplished many achievements, one that I am particularly proud of and extremely grateful for is being nominated and going on to win the Fashion Category of the Global Influencer Awards 2018 Monaco, all thanks to YOU.

More recently, I decided to start a YouTube channel when the global pandemic hit in 2020, to create workout videos as I wanted to help people stay in shape and feel good despite gyms being closed. The videos went viral resulting in up to 32 million views each video and subscribers growing from zero to 1 million in less than 1 year …. And I have not looked back since!

I will continue to grow, learn and reach new levels to help inspire others every day. 

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