
Your Complete Guide to Brand Ambassadorships in 2024/25

The What & Why

What is a Brand Ambassador, and Why Does Your Australian Business Need One?

A brand ambassador can be a public figure, often a sports star or celebrity, who represents and promotes your brand. Their role goes beyond simple endorsements; they embody your brand’s values and consistently communicate them to your target audience across multiple channels.

In Australia, sports stars and high-profile personalities are particularly impactful due to their widespread recognition and trusted public profiles.

Brand ambassadors have become increasingly important as consumer attention is at an all time high to gain; and they can be an effective centrepiece to build on your marketing power and create powerful campaigns that carry high recall.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Why would I need to add a brand ambassador into my marketing mix?

Because people connect with people, not products. Celebrities and sports stars embody values, stories, and aspirations that resonate with fans on an emotional level. Using them in marketing enables brands to tap into this deep emotional connection, fostering loyalty, trust, and a sense of belonging among consumers.

It’s not just about visibility; it’s about embedding your brand into the culture and lives of your audience, driving long-term growth and influence.

Brand ambassadors help build trust, increase credibility, and enhance visibility for your brand. In Australia, where people trust public figures, working with local athletes or celebrities can drive authentic engagement with your target audience.

The association with a beloved figure can foster loyalty, increase market penetration, and drive long-term brand growth. When done right, brand ambassadors can help position your brand as reliable and aspirational in the minds of Australian consumers, which is why they are a popular and effective choice in long-term strategic marketing.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Celebrities vs Influencers

Influencers are typically engaged for short-term product promotions or campaigns. They excel in creating quick buzz and driving immediate traffic, often focused on specific social media platforms. However, their influence can be fleeting, tied to trends or single posts.

On the other hand, celebrities and sports stars bring long-term value as brand ambassadors. These figures offer more than just social media reach—they embody the brand’s values, maintaining consistent engagement over time through multiple channels. Their influence carries a higher degree of trust, credibility, and emotional connection, especially in the Australian market.

Sports Stars in Australia: In particular, Australian sports stars represent aspiration, resilience, and community pride. Their reputation extends beyond fandom into national consciousness, making them highly effective for building enduring brand loyalty. As ambassadors, they “live” the brand, offering deeper integration that goes beyond individual campaigns. Whether appearing in TV ads, digital content, or public events, they deliver consistent value over a prolonged period, cultivating trust that resonates with a broad audience.

Credibility and Trust: One key distinction is that celebrities and athletes often carry a higher level of credibility. Their success in their respective fields adds a layer of authenticity that most influencers simply can’t match. They also have much broader appeal. When an athlete endorses a brand, especially in Australia, it’s seen as a more genuine and impactful recommendation than a fleeting influencer post.

If you're a marketer, are seeking long-term growth and sustained consumer trust, engaging a well-known Australian sports star or celebrity as a brand ambassador can be a very powerful strategy.

The right brand ambassador will provide more depth, longevity, and give you a platform for building an exciting marketing plan around versus a transactional short-term influencer collaboration.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Building Brand

Alright, let’s talk marketing spend in real-world terms—no fluff, just facts.

Bottom-of-funnel obsession: It’s common, especially for smaller brands, to obsess over ROI. “What do we get for every dollar?” they ask. Fair question, but here’s the rub—it’s not a growth strategy. It’s maintenance. Top-of-funnel, those broader brand plays, are harder to measure but vital. Byron Sharp and Ehrenberg-Bass made that clear years ago.

Brand spend works: Take Coca-Cola, Nike, McDonald’s—they’ve spent decades investing in brand. It wasn’t a “feel-good” exercise; it was a strategy. Brand builds over time.

Brand ambassadors? Supercharge that brand building: For new or challenger brands, well-aligned ambassadors can fast-track trust and equity. For established players, they help reposition or expand market share. This isn’t just some celebrity splash; it’s fuel for your growth engine.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

A Celebrity or Sports Star's Impact on Purchase Consideration

Let's use some made up solar companies as an example.

Let’s take Solar Plus, a typical new brand in the solar industry. They run the same old campaigns—“best,” “most efficient,” “easiest to maintain.” And like every other company in the market, it falls flat because consumers can’t tell them apart. When faced with a choice, they go with Solar Smart—an older, more familiar name that’s been building brand recognition for years.

But imagine Solar Plus brings on a sports star as a brand ambassador. Now, we’re talking. Suddenly, Solar Plus has something no generic campaign can deliver—trust and credibility. When the sports star talks about clean energy and endorses Solar Plus, they aren’t just a face on the website. They’re lending their reputation, their authenticity, and their story to the brand. Consumers don’t just see another solar company—they see a brand backed by someone they admire. That emotional connection drives choice.

Now, when consumers compare their options, Solar Plus stands out. The sports star is all over the website, in videos, TV ads, in PR interviews, advocating for clean energy and why they believe in Solar Plus. That personal, trusted voice tips the scales in Solar Plus’s favour. No longer are they just another newcomer—they’re a brand with credibility, a brand that’s backed by someone consumers know, like, and trust. And that trust is what pushes them ahead of the competition.

In the battle between brand recognition and brand trust, trust wins every time. This is why brand ambassadors are a secret weapon, especially for smaller or challenger brands. They offer something deeper than just awareness—they build an emotional bridge between your product and your consumers, accelerating growth in a way that ordinary ads can’t.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Lebron Nike
LeBron James and Nike. Photo: Hypebeast

About you

What do you want to achieve out of a brand ambassador?

Before you rush to sign a big name, let’s get one thing straight—what do you actually want from a brand ambassador? Too many brands dive in without a clear objective, and that’s where things go wrong.

• Are you looking to reposition your brand in the market? An ambassador can help shift perceptions, but only if you’re strategic about it.

• Are you a new player needing to accelerate brand awareness? An ambassador can fast-track that process, but you need the right face.

• Do you need someone with expertise who can genuinely endorse and test your product? There’s a massive difference between a real ambassador and a shallow influencer deal.

• Or are you after someone with clout, who can open doors and make introductions that you couldn’t otherwise get? The right ambassador can do more than just boost brand equity—they can be a key to access.

Here’s the thing: the success of your brand ambassador relationship is directly tied to how clearly you define your goals upfront. Are you after short-term visibility or long-term brand building? Do you need product endorsements, or are you after broader, market-level shifts in perception?

You need to ask these questions and get clear on what success looks like before even thinking about engaging a brand ambassador. Otherwise, you’ll end up spending big bucks without moving the needle on your actual business goals. Plan properly, and a brand ambassador can be the catalyst for market domination.

As Loren Renton, Senior Vice President of Partnerships at Pickstar, says:

“The most effective brand ambassador partnerships come from brands that are crystal clear on their objectives. At Pickstar, our brand partnerships team are experts in guiding Australian businesses through this process—ensuring the ambassador isn’t just a familiar face, but a powerful extension of your strategy. When done right, an ambassador elevates your brand beyond recognition and into trusted relevance.”

With Pickstar’s tailored approach, you’ll get more than just a celebrity endorsement—you’ll build a partnership that drives long-term, meaningful growth for your business.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Know your brand

Before you even think about picking a brand ambassador, there’s one burning question you need to answer: What are your brand values?

If you can’t answer that, stop. Do not pass go. You need to fix that yesterday. A brand without clear values is a brand without direction, and that’s a fast track to mediocrity. If you’re serious about creating impactful partnerships, it’s time to bring in professionals to craft those values—now.

Here’s why: clear, compelling brand values are your north star. They not only guide your marketing but also help attract the right ambassador. The alignment between an ambassador’s personal beliefs and your brand’s values isn’t just important—it’s everything. It’s the difference between a partnership that’s authentic and one that’s obviously superficial.

Consumers can spot inauthenticity a mile away. A misaligned ambassador won’t just fail to drive results; they can actively harm your brand. The right ambassador, however, one who genuinely embodies your brand’s mission, adds credibility, trust, and depth. They become a true extension of your brand, not just a rented face.

So, before you start chasing that sports star or celebrity, get your house in order. Nail down your brand’s mission and values. Then, and only then, can you think about partnering with an ambassador who will truly move the needle for your business.

To cap it off, Loren Renton, Marketer and Senior Vice President of Partnerships at Pickstar, sums up the power of aligning with the right celebrity or athlete:

“When a brand partners with a figure whose values and passions align, they aren’t just getting an endorsement—they’re humanising their message. It turns the brand into a relatable story, carried by the credibility and inspiration of that person. The right ambassador isn’t just a spokesperson; they become the living embodiment of what the brand stands for, creating emotional connections that drive real impact.”

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Short-term tactical campaign vs a long-term brand-building exercise

Let’s be clear—short-term campaigns and long-term brand building aren’t mutually exclusive. But here’s the catch: you’ve got to know what your priority is. Too many brands, especially in the B2B space, get stuck chasing quick results, focusing almost entirely on short-term wins. It’s a comfort zone, sure. But it’s a mistake.

Research from Binet and Field makes this obvious—your marketing mix should be about 40% short-term activations and 60% long-term brand building. Long-term investment is where real growth comes from, and here’s the kicker—it makes your short-term stuff work even better.

Yet, most organisations get this wrong. They’re skewed far too heavily toward the short term, putting all their energy into immediate ROI. And sure, you might see some quick wins, but in the long run, you’re sacrificing future growth. Brand building is the foundation that amplifies everything else. Short-term wins are just that—short.

Here’s what you need to do: sell this concept internally to your leadership. Explain to your bosses and shareholders that by investing in long-term brand building, the effectiveness of those short-term tactical campaigns will actually improve. It’s a tough sell at first, but the evidence is all there. Long-term brand investment isn’t just a “nice-to-have”—it’s what keeps the entire marketing engine running in the future. It’s time to stop chasing short-term hits at the expense of lasting brand growth.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Brady Tag
Tom Brady and Tag Heuer

The Scope

Do I need a local, national or international Ambassador?

Choosing the right scope for your brand ambassador depends entirely on your business goals and target audience. Are you a local business with a niche customer base? Then a local ambassador with strong connections to your community will be far more impactful—and budget-friendly—than a national or international figure.

For example, if you’re a plumbing company based in Melbourne’s eastern suburbs, you don’t need a global name like Adam Gilchrist. A well-known local personality will likely connect better with your audience, and it’ll save you significant costs. Using a local ambassador means your spend goes directly to engaging the people that matter, rather than wasting budget on an ambassador with international reach that doesn’t benefit your business.

Also, where you plan to use the ambassador’s image or influence affects the budget. Running a local campaign, whether in local papers or on regional TV, is vastly different from running a national TV campaign or pushing content globally. Local talent will cost you less and often deliver better results when your target audience is in a specific region.

If you’re unsure where your ambassador will fit or how best to align them with your marketing efforts, it’s essential to have a clear brief. A strong, well-considered brief will help guide your decisions, ensuring you choose the right ambassador for your needs, whether that’s local, national, or international. And if you’re stuck on how to get started, check out our guide to building a brand ambassador brief—it’ll help refine your strategy and bring you closer to securing the right ambassador for your brand.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

The Length of Agreement: Why Long-Term Brand Partnerships Win

Think of a brand ambassadorship like planting a tree. A short-term deal might give you quick results, like a few blooming flowers, but for real, sustainable growth, you need time—time to water, nurture, and let those roots spread deep. Longer agreements, typically 12 or 18 months, allow the brand and ambassador to grow together and develop a genuine relationship.

In the same way you wouldn’t expect a tree to bear fruit in a week, a short-term campaign won’t allow the ambassador to fully integrate with your brand. Celebrities and sports stars often prefer long-term deals because it lets them build trust with their audience while naturally incorporating your brand into their public persona. Consumers can spot authenticity from a mile away, and the longer an ambassador is associated with a brand, the more credible the partnership becomes.

Long-term deals also mean you can plan a series of campaigns that evolve over time, much like how a great film franchise builds character depth and audience investment. Instead of a one-off moment, you get multiple touchpoints, reinforcing the brand-ambassador relationship through various seasons, product launches, and events. It’s an ongoing narrative, not a fleeting headline.

Concerned about budget? Think of it like buying a house. You don’t pay for it all upfront; you spread the investment over time. Many brand ambassadorships offer flexible payment plans, ensuring you can secure top talent without breaking the bank all at once. And just like a house increases in value as time goes on, a long-term ambassador deal only enhances your brand equity the longer it lasts.

So, ask yourself: do you want short-term noise, or long-term growth? The choice should be pretty clear.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

The Deliverables: What Are You Really Getting from a Brand Ambassador?

When investing in a brand ambassador, it’s crucial to be clear about what you’re getting for your money. This isn’t just about slapping their face on a billboard. The deliverables need to be strategically aligned with your marketing objectives, and they must reflect the ambassador’s time, profile, IP usage, and the channels they’ll appear on.

For example, do you need your ambassador at in-person events, content shoots, client meetings, engaging customers through webinars, and posting regularly on social media?

Here’s where you need to decide how to allocate their time across activities. High-profile ambassadors come at a premium, and their time is limited. Do you want more digital presence, like frequent social media posts, or do you need them to make public appearances at key events? Striking a balance here is essential.

A typical 12-month ambassadorship might include:

12 social media posts

2 full-day video or photo shoots

3 in-person appearances for events, activations, expos

Use of their image and IP on your website and advertising campaigns

PR / Media appearances

The more channels you use (social, TV, print), the higher the budget. The reach of each channel, frequency of content, and the level of integration into your campaigns all factor into the cost. Keep in mind, the ambassador’s intellectual property (IP)—their image, likeness, and personal brand—carries significant weight. They are understandably protective of it, and rightfully so, as their IP is what drives consumer influence.

The key is finding the right balance. High-frequency social posts require less time from the ambassador but are incredibly effective for digital engagement. On the other hand, in-person appearances or video shoots demand more time but offer stronger, direct impact. Depending on the ambassador’s profile, they may prefer long-term commitments where their involvement is more deeply integrated into your brand story.

And if you’re unsure about the mix of activities or channels? No problem. Ambassadorships can be tailored to different deliverables at various price points. By adjusting the frequency of activities, channels used, and IP integration, we can create a package that fits your marketing goals while maximising the ambassador’s impact.

The clearer you are about these deliverables, the more seamless and successful the partnership will be.

As Loren Renton, Senior Vice President of Partnerships at Pickstar, says, “The most successful ambassadorships are those that strike a perfect balance between high-frequency digital content and meaningful in-person engagements. It’s not just about visibility, but about authenticity and relevance—using the ambassador’s time wisely to maximise their impact across all channels and touch points.”

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

The Value of IP: More Than Just Appearances & Social Media

When you pay for a brand ambassador, you’re not just paying for a few social posts or appearances—you’re investing in their intellectual property (IP). This is the personal brand they’ve spent years building, much like a business builds its own reputation.

Think of their personal brand as a precious resource, like a limited-edition product. The more brands a celebrity endorses, the less exclusive and valuable their IP becomes. Worse still, if they partner with a disreputable brand, their own personal brand suffers.

This is why a brand ambassador’s IP carries such weight. High-profile personalities don’t just throw their name behind anyone—they’re protecting their own brand integrity. In many cases, the higher the investment, the more authentic and impactful the partnership is likely to be, because the ambassador is putting their reputation on the line.

As you engage with a celebrity or sports star, you’re tapping into this finite resource—their IP—and in return, you gain access to the trust, influence, and audience loyalty they’ve spent years building. It’s not just the dollar value you’re paying for; it’s the years of brand equity that comes with it.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Barty Vegemite
Ash Barty and Vegemite. Photo: B&T

The Talent

What Potential Ambassadors Consider Before Partnering With You: It’s Not Just About the Money

When a sports star or celebrity considers becoming your brand ambassador, they do their homework. It’s not just a paycheck—they’re protecting their personal brand. They’ll ask questions like:

Will this partnership positively impact my personal brand?

Do I align with this brand’s values and products?

Is the brand sustainable and ethical?

Is the company innovative and growing?

What’s the public perception of this brand?

Does this partnership support a cause I care about?

These are critical questions because a bad partnership can damage an ambassador’s reputation just as much as a great one can elevate it. Ambassadors want to be confident that the brand they represent reflects their values and credibility. It’s not just about endorsing a product—it’s about aligning their own hard-earned personal brand with your business.

Every ambassador will weigh these factors differently based on their profile, passions, and how the partnership might affect their career in the long run. The key to a successful partnership is demonstrating that your brand not only offers a financial reward but also aligns authentically with their values and public persona.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Aligning with a Cause or Purpose

When a brand’s mission aligns with a sports star’s personal passion, it can lead to a more authentic and powerful ambassadorship. Take Ashleigh Gardner, for example. Gardner is not only an exceptional cricketer but also deeply committed to Indigenous causes through her Ashleigh Gardner Foundation, which focuses on empowering Indigenous youth.

If a brand in the education or community development sector approaches her for a partnership that aligns with her foundation’s work, she’s more likely to embrace the ambassadorship with genuine enthusiasm. It becomes more than a business deal; it’s about driving a cause she cares deeply about. This kind of alignment can even impact budget considerations, as stars are often willing to work at a reduced fee when their values align with the brand’s mission.

Instead of just promoting products, Gardner could speak from the heart about how the brand supports causes close to her, such as improving access to education or empowering Indigenous communities. This deep connection not only makes the partnership more meaningful but also more effective, as consumers recognise the authenticity behind the ambassador’s support.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Scheduling Impact: Building in flexibility

When partnering with sports stars, celebrities, or experts, their schedules are often packed, and timing is crucial. For example, an athlete training for the Olympics won’t be available for events or shoots in the months leading up to the games. However, they might have more availability afterward, during recovery or off-season.

Brand Ambassadors needs to feel confident that they can meet the partnership requirements without compromising their existing commitments. That’s why it’s essential to factor in their schedule early on and build flexibility into your brief. If you understand their availability and plan deliverables accordingly, you’ll set the partnership up for success.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

The Budget

A Typical Budget Range

When budgeting for a brand ambassador, the amount depends on the level of talent you’re seeking. Here’s a guide:

There are a number of factors that impact the budget for a brand ambassador. However, here is an accurate budget guide to provide you with some ballpark figures for creating a 12 month partnership with a star for all the bells and whistles.

  • We've broken this down into 3 tiers, to make it easy to understand based on the different types of Stars, according to their star power:

    Star ($120,000 +GST - $200,000 PLUS)
    Often a very well-known Star indexing high in recognisability and influence nationally across Australia and in most cases internationally.

    HIGH-PROFILE Star ($65,000 - $90,000 +GST)
    Often a very well-known Star indexing high in recognisability and strong influence in multiple key States across Australia.

    ESTABLISHED Star ($45,000 - $60,000 +GST)
    Often a Star with good recognisability and credibility (due to their elite sport or career status) typically recognised in a local state or two and with limited media coverage.

Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Justifying Budget to Leaders

Understandably, most businesses don’t have $100k spare in their marketing budget ready to go. But consider the following factors:

  • There is flexibility with payment terms. It might be a portion up front, a portion at six months and the balance after 12 months. So you’ve actually realised the value of the brand ambassadorship before you’ve paid the full amount.

  • Brand ambassadors accelerate brand growth and amplify your other campaigns.

  • There is no quicker or more effective way of building trust in your brand than having a well-respected brand ambassador be the face of your brand and engaging with your target audiences.

    Ready to get a customised brand ambassador strategy to help you achieve your marketing objectives now? Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

    Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Need some help with strategy?

Think a brand ambassador might be right for your business? Or just want to understand more about how a brand ambassadorship works?

You can Submit a request here and one of our celebrity marketers will collaborate with you based on your goals, budget and other info you tell us.

Don't worry, this is just the starting point and you can change any of the details at any stage and there is no up-front commitment to engage with us.

Not ready to submit a request or want to speak with an expert first?

Contact our Senior Vice President of Partnerships and resident celebrity marketing expert, Loren Renton at or Phone

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