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Ryan Bailie

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Olympic Triathlete

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About me

  • Rio Olympic Games
  • Sport
  • Sporting Events
  • Triathlon
  • Endurance Sports

Ryan Bailie could loosely be defined as a sporting masochist. He trains everyday. Most days consist of swimming several kilometres before breakfast; after breakfast he runs 20-30 kms; then, towards the end of the training day, he cycles over one hundred kilometres! Then add in gym sessions, physio and massage sessions! Why? Because that’s what it takes to be World class in the sport of Triathlon.

Ryan grew up playing AFL (Aussie Rules) in Bunbury WA, however, at the age of 16 he was told he would have to bulk up if he wanted to continue in the sport. Knowing that you couldn’t be bulky and run fast, and the consistent worry of injuries in a high impact sport, Ryan made the decision to solely pursue a triathlon career. Years later he now finds himself chasing his dreams and aspirations on the World Triathlon Series, representing Australia.

Ryan is based in Wollongong during the Australian summer and Vitoria in the Basque Country of Spain in the Australian winter. He trains with an elite group, ‘Wollongong Wizards’ that includes the current Women’s Olympic Gold Medallist Gwen Jorgenson, and with an elite coach. Gwen and Ryan share similar aims. Those aims are to compete at the highest levels around the World, to compete at World Championships, Olympic Games and to represent their countries in the best possible way.

Ryan Bailie is a professional in every sense of the word. He is unwavering in his pursuit of excellence…no short cuts! He is committed to success and leaves no stone unturned in his preparation.

Ryan turned pro in 2011 and represented Australia at the 2014 Commonwealth Games where he claimed bronze in the mixed relay and finished 5th the in the individual men’s triathlon.

Ryan became an Olympian in Rio 2016 when he and training partner Aaron Royle gave Australia its first dual top ten finishers in men’s triathlon history at Fort Copacabana after Ryan had to work from the chase pack on the bike after two critical moments to put himself in the race for 10th.

Off the training paddock he is humble, well spoken and a wonderful role model. Ryan delivers wonderful brand associations for his sponsors and his messages of preparation and diligence to deliver first class performance resonates across many different spheres of life.

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Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania