Our Stars
Anton Guinea

Create an experience with Anton Guinea

Triathlete, Australia

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About me

  • Sport
  • Triathlon
  • Endurance Sports
  • Coach
  • Professional


Anton is not your average sporting super star! He is way more boring than that, other than that he was nearly killed at work at age 21, he got cranky with the world, he got fat, then he got skinny, and become a world class age group triathlete. 

All, while growing businesses and raising two amazing boys!!! Married for 24 years (Anton's biggest achievement), Anton makes sport a life style, not a career, and talks about his addiction to triathlon, and how he has become a Mooloolaba and Noosa Triathlon legend for 10 years of consecutive participation in both events!  

Anton is the average person's sports star!

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