Our Stars
Liam Twomey

Create an experience with Liam Twomey

Triathlete, Mental Health Dude

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About me

  • Paratriathlon
  • Sport
  • Endurance Sports
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional
  • Triathlon

My name is Liam Twomey.  I'm an Elite Paratriathlete for Australia, and Mental Health ambassador for The Black Dog Institute. I'm aiming to compete at the Paris Paralympics in 2024. I lost my right leg below the knee to cancer in 2001, at the age of 7. In my teenage years I struggled with my personal mental health and identity, and ended up destroying my life through my behaviour and the effects of drugs & alcohol.

At 21, I moved interstate and began to work on all the things dragging me down between my ears.  I found self-acceptance for myself through sport and personal work, and with my love for sport, set my eyes on becoming an elite athlete, and helping share my message and life experience.

As an Elite Paratriathlete I get the opportunity to race in Australia, and internationally against the best athletes in the world. At the 2023 Triathlon World Championships in Pontevedra, Spain I finished 6th in the world in the PTS4 classification. As of writing, I am currently ranked 9th in the world in the PTS4 classification and 7th in the Paris Paralympic Qualification rankings.

I currently work with the Australian Institute of Sport and Black Dog Institute to present the Mental Fitness Program to high school students across Australia. I also work with the Victorian Institute of Sport, presenting their Be Fit Be Well programs to schools and rural communities across Victoria. I am also a certified Personal Trainer, and qualified Swim Coach and Lifeguard, and am able to run group fitness classes, one on one sessions, and work on stroke correction for swimming. I am currently studying a Bachelor of Exercise and Sport Science degree at Deakin University. I am a member of the Elite Athlete Program there and received the 2023 Deakin Sport Network Elite Athlete Scholarship. I also received Deakin Sport person of the Year - Disability in 2023.

This is not work, but a vocation. I love presenting, I love engaging with people, sharing my own experiences. To share my highs and lows with a group brings me a joy I can't explain, and I do it in the hope that my words can help someone on the given day, or give them the information they need to make more loving choices for themselves.

I am currently available to speak to Primary and High school students, at corporate events and functions and can cater my talk to your needs.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania


Onslow Salt Pty Ltd and the community were absolutely thrilled to have Liam Twomey present to us. He was such an amazing personality and gave a very engaging talk. We cannot wait to have him back in Onslow!
Rhian, Onslow Salt Pty Ltd