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Dean Kemp

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Retired AFL Player

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About me

  • West Coast Eagles
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL

Dean Kemp commenced his senior football with a couple of seasons at Kalgoorlie Railways in the goldfields competition. He played in a premiership in 1987, and won a club fairest and best the following year, before joining Subiaco. After a season with the Lions he was drafted by West Coast and made an immediate impression, winning the Eagles' best first year player award.

A smooth running, silkily skilled midfielder, Kemp was a key member of West Coast's renowned on-ball brigade, and a major reason behind the club's dominance during the early 1990s. In 1992 he played in a premiership team, gained AFL All Australian selection, and won a best and fairest award, and two years later he gave an exhilarating performance as a ruck-rover as the Eagles beat Geelong in the Grand Final; the display earned Kemp the Norm Smith Medal.

Undermined to some extent by injuries later in his career, Kemp nevertheless continued to give good value until he retired at the end of the 2001 season having played 243 AFL games and kicked 117 goals.

Author - John Devaney

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