Our Stars
Dom Tyson

Create an experience with Dom Tyson

Former AFL Player

How it Works

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Use the ' + ' symbol on any profile photo add one or more favourite stars into a shortlist then create your free request to send it to them.

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Stars apply to your request and you only pay if you choose to book them. Tap 'create request' or 'request me' to start a free request. Enter your brief, budget & location.

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About me

  • North Melbourne Kangaroos
  • Sport
  • Australian Rules Football
  • AFL
  • Melbourne Demons

As a former athlete and now in business, I value the importance of a growth mindset and continual learning. I'm always looking for opportunities to improve and have a greater impact.

Founding my business, golfing apparel brand Clutch & Co in 2017, has certainly been an enriching experience. I'm grateful for the mentoring experiences I've had and I'm excited about the future with a growing e-commerce platform and open wholesale accounts. 

Outside of the office, I'm still involved in football, as a playing/assistant coach at North Melbourne VFL, with the aim of helping the next generation. And of course, trying to hit the golf course when I can.

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