Our Stars
Karla Pretorius

Create an experience with Karla Pretorius

Sunshine Coast Netballer

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About me

  • Sunshine Coast Lightning
  • Sport
  • Netball
  • Suncorp Super Netball

Karla is an athlete with experience on national and international level.  Karla is currently a Professional Netball player contracted by Sunshine Coast Lightning (Pty) Ltd where she represents the Sunshine Coast Lightning in the Suncorp Super Netball League in Australia.   She is also the Vice-Captain of the South African National Netball team, the Proteas.  Karla was the first South African Netball player to field for a side in the new Australian National Netball League in 2017 and was named the player of the tournament at the 2019 Netball World Cup in Liverpool.

Karla is regularly involved in netball coaching and development.  She has excellent leadership skills and thorough knowledge of the netball sporting code, with a strong capability of developing and implementing netball sessions and programmes.

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