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Rudi Ellis

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West Coast Fever, Western Aus

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About me

  • Sport
  • Netball
  • Suncorp Super Netball

Rudi Ellis is an Australian Suncorp Super Netball player.

Rudi’s netball pathway began in NSW. She then moved to Melbourne for university commitments and became a training partner with the Melbourne Vixens. Following a successful year winning her grand final with the Victorian Fury in the Deakin University ANL competition, Rudi was contracted to the Queensland Firebirds & then played for for the West Coast Fever in Perth, winning the 2022 SSN grand final with her respective team. 

She has been apart of the Netball Australian pathway since U/17s, and has since been apart of the Australian World Youth Cup Squad, National Talent Squad & Australian Fast 5 Squad. 

Rudi has completed her studies in a Bachelor of Communications (Journalism) at RMIT University. She has experience in Sports Media and Journalism, working at both the Western Bulldogs and Netball Victoria and the Western Australian Institute of Sport, along the way. 

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