Our Stars
Amy Sommerville

Create an experience with Amy Sommerville

Netballer and Coach

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About me

  • NSW Swifts
  • Sport
  • Netball
  • Suncorp Super Netball
  • Queensland Firebirds

I am a current Training Partner for the QLD Firebirds after spending two years with the NSW Swifts. I debuted in 2016 for the NSW Swifts in the ANZ Championship and I have also recently debuted for the QLD Firebirds. 

I have had many hurdles in my Netball career ranging from injury, non-selection and I wouldn't change anything. This hurdles have made me who I am.

I love coaching and sharing my knowledge with the next generation of Netballers. One day I hope to be able to take my knowledge and love of netball to regional towns to give them the access to the sport that has given me so much. 

Other than netball, I am very passionate about dogs and helping foster dogs get adopted to their forever families. 
I have a Bachelor of Business majoring in Public Relations. 

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My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.