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Rhys Mainstone

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About me

  • Sport
  • Swimming

Rhys Mainstone age 25 is a 10KM marathon swimmer making his first Australian swim team at 19yrs Are you looking for an athlete to give that motivating talk to clients, staff or to special guest Rhys can provide this, with his vast experience in high performance sport, knows what it takes to win, set a goal and have a plan to achieve it. If you’re looking for a few light-hearted stories with a twist book Rhys for you next function. Need to present some awards why not have one of the world’s best marathon swimmer help out with the event, Rhys has won major swims around the globe and as 3 national 10km tittles to his name. looking for the skills clinic Rhys is more than happy to provide this opportunity, with many hours of developing his skill he certainly has the tools to pass on a few tips to make swimming easy and also fun and beyond the black line and into the ocean. So get Rhys to your next function, game day, or skills clinic and he can give you an insight into the world of marathon swimming, great stories, motivational talks, mingling with special guest and making the day/evening to remember.


World championships 2009, 2010, 2011,2013 pan pacific championships 2010,2014 world cups 2009,2010,2011,2012,2013,2014,2015 3x national champion 2010,2012,2013 Rhys has provided skills clinics, motivational talks and presented awards throughout his time. So jump on board or jump into the world of RHYS MAINSTONE.

  • silver in team 5km Shanghai Fina world swimming championsips
  • 3x National 10km champion
  • 2015 wold cup winner Noumea, 2012 world cup winner Hong Kong

Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Western Australia