Our Stars
Dean Gladstone

Create an experience with Dean Gladstone

Bondi Lifeguard + Breathwork

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About me

  • TV Personality
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Dean is a former national gold medallist in swimming and surf lifesaving, and is well known as a key team member in the long running television series, Bondi Rescue.

He is a qualified and practising Personal Trainer,Wim Hof instructor,Breathwork coach, Yoga Teacher, Holistic Health Coach and a Bondi Lifeguard.

His 20 years experience coaching kids and adults and has been Personal Training for over 15 years. As a result of personal health issues, he expanded this knowledge to include nutrition and  lifestyle choices, focusing less on pushing hard and more listening to the body has been a game changer in the mental health connecting mind and body.

Working with a clinical psychologist to develop programs aiding mindfulness and wellbeing, Dean has a strong awareness around the benefits of improving diet, hydration and nutrition, mindset and goal setting, mobility and movement.

Dean's career as a Lifeguard, literally rescuing people and bringing them back to life means with the power of the breath means he has a unique and special skill set and understands the functionality of hypoxic training. His vast experience of achieving personal goals and working towards a better self allows him to approach his clients with humility, understanding and work towards best possible individual outcomes.

Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
New South Wales, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia, Victoria, South Australia, Northern Territory, Australian Capital Territory

My Specialist Topics

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.


...our star Dean Gladstone was amazing!
Matt | Agnes Water SLSC