Our Stars
Heidi Anderson

Create an experience with Heidi Anderson

Radio host, writer & speaker

How it Works

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About me

  • Public Speaker
  • Professional
  • Keynote Speaker
  • Reality Star
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Radio Host
  • Influencer
  • Business

Life looks a little different for Heidi these days and after 10+ years live on-air, she was well overdue for a change of scenery.

When she's not arguing with her cute AF toddlet (Memphis) about whether he's driving the car or sitting in his car seat, she's empowering and coaching women through life and business with inspirational speaking, Shed Your Shit workshops, viral movements and group coaching programs.

Her ability to think outside the box and build powerful relationships and connections helped her sign up over 2,500 women worldwide to her first ever business challenge launch in 2020.

Since then, living her life one "go big or go home" day at a time, she's single handedly disrupting the world of PR, launching her coaching programs in true Heidi style (flying a plane down WA's coast with a "Heidi Anderson - The Queen of PR" banner, and strutting through shopping centres in just a bra and undies, obviously).

A published author of Drunk On Confidence and host of Champagne Confidence and First Time Parents podcasts, Heidi's known for her real and raw take on life, business and motherhood. Never one to shy away from taboo topics, she speaks candidly about anxiety, body image, domestic violence, mental health and suicide. Heidi was born to be on stage, where she speaks openly, confidently and completely unfiltered.

She's a professional PR & hype queen with a dream, of taking her stage show on the road. Heidi inspires women worldwide to get out of their own way and stop cock-blocking themselves so they can share their awesomeness with the world.

***** View Heidi's Media Kit Here! *****

Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania

My Specialist Topics

Specialist topics are areas where I will excel speaking about.

My Interests

These are subjects which I have a personal interest in.


"Lots of great feedback already..! Heard there was a good mix of laughter and tears. That to me = success in getting a message across."
Development WA
Onslow Salt Pty Ltd and the community were absolutely thrilled to have Heidi Anderson present to us. She was such an amazing personality and gave a very engaging talk. We cannot wait to have her back in Onslow!
Rhian, Onslow Salt Pty Ltd
Heidi Anderson was absolutely amazing! Heidi's expertise and charisma shone through in every interaction, and her ability to engage with the audience was truly impressive. Whether it was a corporate event or a casual gathering, Heidi's presence added a unique and unforgettable touch to the occasion. Heidi's passion for her craft and her ability to connect with people made a lasting impression on everyone in attendance. I can't recommend Heidi Anderson highly enough!
Jai, Accor