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Destanee Aiava

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Australian Tennis Player

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About me

  • Tennis
  • Sport
  • Australian Open
  • International Tennis
  • Influencer
  • Entertainment
  • Media

Destanee Aiava began her love for tennis at just 5 years of age and has since continued to excel through the ranks, now with 16 years of playing experience to her name.

Aiava is currently ranked 247 in the world with a career high of 147, and has represented Australia in both Junior Fed Cup and Women’s Fed Cup teams and played in all 4 grand slams in both juniors and seniors.

She was the first player born in 2000 to win a main draw match in a WTA event in 2017 and has played in 6 Australian Opens including qualifying and main draw.

Through tennis, Aiava was able to buy her first home at just 21 years of age (one of her most important goals off the court) and has developed many important life skills.

Although Destanee describes her tennis experience as a "tough, long journey so far", she is extremely grateful for every opportunity tennis has given her on and off the court like being able to own her first home at just 21yrs of age this year.

Away from her profession she engages on social media with her love to promote health and wellbeing, fashion and lifestyle.

Destanee's ultimate end goal is to be the #1 in the world and win all 4 grand slams multiple times, and have a loving family by the end of it.

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