Our Stars
Jess Farchione

Create an experience with Jess Farchione

Breakfast Announcer HIT106.9

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About me

  • Radio Host
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Presenter

Jess Farchione is a successful breakfast radio announcer and current host on Newcastle’s most listened to breakfast show; Nick, Jess & Ducko.

Throughout her career, Jess has been marked as one of the countries most up & coming announcers and even recognised as the Best Newcomer On-Air (Provincial) at the ACRAs, following a successful stint at Shepparton’s hit96.9.

Jess' presenting skills have continually been admired by both her audience & industry professionals, with her often sharing personal anecdotes & relating to listeners like someone who has been in the job for years.

Jess' career stemmed from an early involvement with the community radio, when she "went along to check it out and basically never left".

Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, Northern Territory, South Australia, Victoria, Queensland, Tasmania, Western Australia