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Melanie Schilling

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TV Presenter Coach Influencer

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About me

  • Keynote Speaker
  • Professional
  • Presenter
  • Entertainment
  • Media
  • Influencer
  • Lifestyle
  • Celebrity

MEL SCHILLING – Confidence Coach, TV Presenter, Speaker, Ambassador, MAFS Aust & UK Relationship Expert.

Melanie has built a 20-year career as a therapist, business consultant and leadership coach for high performing people. A thought leader in Confidence and Courage, Mel draws on her background in psychology, as well as stage and screen performance, to ensure her speaking and consulting engagements are highly informative, actionable (and always entertaining!)

Mel’s work with NAB led to the development of the successful Start Counting program, a workshop series to empower women to make smart life and money choices. Her media presence has steadily built over the past decade, resulting in her becoming one of Australia’s highest-profile relationship coaches and experts.

As a speaker, Mel educates and entertains with her unique combination of science-backed research, light-hearted story-telling and interactive audience participation. She has graced the stage for organisations such as Business Chicks, Financial Executive Women,

What Women Want, and earned her sea legs as she wobbled her way through a 5-part speaking series, The Thrive Series, onboard P&O Cruises.

Mel has appeared on Channel Nine’s Married At First Sight (MAFS) for the past 7 years, and 2022 will see her once again return to Australian and international screens for her second season of MAFS UK. Mel’s warm, yet direct style and colourful facial expressions have earned her a place in Australia’s heart. Presenting a balanced approach with a clear feminist perspective, Mel has a reputation for asking the hard questions, making people accountable for their actions and shining the spotlight on gender politics in relationships.

Her depth of media experience spans TV (from full programs to brief segments), radio, online content (video and written), print as well as brand ambassadorships for a selection of brands that align with her values.

Mel is available for speaking, MC, media, brand partnerships and ambassadorial work in both Australia & UK.

Based in


Available in

Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
London, Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland, South Australia, Victoria, Western Australia, Tasmania, South West, South East, East of England, Yorkshire and the Humber, West Midlands, East Midlands, North West, North East, Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland