Our Stars
Priscilla Hon

Create an experience with Priscilla Hon

WTA Tennis Player

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About me

  • Tennis
  • Sport
  • Australian Open
  • French Open
  • Wimbledon
  • Field Hockey
  • Men’s England Hockey League

My name is Priscilla Hon, and I am a professional tennis player. I picked up my first racquet at the age of 5 and I've played ever since! I've been travelling overseas yearly since I was 12 so I've seen a lot of the world thanks to tennis, but this led to a very different childhood being homeschooled due to my tennis commitments.

Tennis for me is a huge part of my life, but I have plenty of other interests as well such as business which really excites me and something I want to pursue further, in particular, business fashion with my shoe brand Platform6! My other huge interest is food. I love finding cute cafes and restaurants when I travel and at home in Aus. Within tennis an area I am extremely proud to be a part of is being an ambassador for Multicultural Australia Sports, an area close to my heart, and a cause I love to work with.

I don't want to be a preacher on social media, but I do want to inspire people with what I post and the brands I promote, by making sure I associate myself with all-things truly Pri!

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Need me to travel to your location? I will travel for opportunities in:
Australian Capital Territory, New South Wales, Northern Territory, Queensland