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Cameron Norsworthy

Create an experience with Cameron Norsworthy

World Champion Coach

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About me

  • Tennis
  • Sport
  • Extreme Sports
  • Kitesurfing
  • Water Sports
  • Surfing
  • Coach
  • Professional

Cameron is a coach, author, TEDx speaker, and founder of The Flow Centre - a crucible between psychophysiological research and applied practice on optimal performance. . 

Cameron is an internationally recognised speaker talking at scientific institutions, universities, corporations, schools, TEDx, graduation ceremonies, AGMs, and other keynote opportunities. Cameron’s talks are immersive, interactive and informative. They go beyond inspiring stories with World Champions and detailing cutting-edge research surrounding optimal performance, they provide in-the-room experiences that aim to transform thought and behaviour. Learn how cutting-edge research can help amplify your performance, leadership, innovation, and self-fulfilment

Cameron has been a junior international tennis player, awarded the Outstanding Academic Achievement Prize for reports surrounding flow and performance, and is contracted with the publisher MacMillan and agent Curtis Brown for his literacy works. 

Cameron has coached numerous World Champions, leaders, teachers, high profile military personnel, students, and aspiring professionals to help them find success and improve their experiences. Over the years he has helped athletes win World Championships, CEO’s become profound leaders, conduct mergers, and helped kids excel in their exams. Cameron’s speaking and coaching style is dynamic, multi-disciplinary and fun. 

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